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List of Agency Decision Makers, Designated Managers and Nominated Officers

List of Agency Decision Makers, Designated Managers and Nominated Officers

Scope of this chapter

The Scheme of Delegation is being reviewed. All Managers should check that delegated authorities have not altered since this page was last updated in February 2023.


This chapter was updated in August 2023.

August 4, 2023

1. Reception in Care Accommodation  
1.1 Decision to apply for Emergency Protection Order Head of Service 
1.2 Decision to institute Care Proceedings Decision and Review Panel
1.3 Approval of Review Plan Head of Service
1.4 Decision to seek variation of contact Service Delivery Manager
  Decision to seek termination of contact Head of Service
1.5 Surgical/Medical Treatment  
  To authorise treatment where parent cannot be contacted Service Delivery Manager
  To authorise treatment where parent is unwilling to give consent Head of Service
  Decision to withdraw treatment Chief Officer
1.6 Placement under Placement with Parents Regulations  
1.6.1 Planned placement Head of Service Delivery
1.6.2 Emergency placement Head of Service Delivery
1.7 Application to discharge Care Order Service Delivery Manager
1.8 Foster parent approval Fostering Panel
1.9 Decision to place for adoption Agency Decision Manager
2. Child Protection  
2.1 Decision regarding appropriate medical examination Team Manager
2.2 Decision regarding closing an investigation Team Manager
2.3 Decision not to investigate the same day Team Manager
2.4 Decision not to convene a case conference Team Manager
3. Transport  
3.1 Assessment of need/decision to provide Team Manager
4. Holiday Approvals  
4.1 In the UK or abroad Service Delivery Manager
4.2 Approval of Passport Applications Service Delivery Manager
5. Family Network Carers  
5.1 Emergency approval Head of Service
5.2 Permanent approval Fostering Panel
1. Section 17  
1.1 Approval of one-off payments up to £100 Team Manager
1.2 Approval of one-off payments over £1000 Service Delivery Manager
1.3 Approval of regular weekly payments (up to a total of £1000) Service Delivery Manager
1.4 Regular payments in excess of £1000 total Finance Panel
2. Young People in Residential Care  
2.1 Extraordinary requests for special items from establishment budgets up to £500 Principal Unit Manager
2.2 Extraordinary requests for special items from establishment budgets more than £500 Head of Service
3. Outside Placements Head of Service Delivery
4. Leaving Care Grants  
4.1 Up to £1,000 Service Delivery Manager
  More than £1000 Head of Service Delivery
5. Child Arrangements Order and Special Guardianship Orders  
5.1 Approval of allowance and/or payment of legal fees Joint decision with
Service Delivery Manager and
Fostering/Family Placement Team Manager
6. Adoption Support and Allowances  
6.1 Pre-order - payment of regular allowances. To agree recommendation from Adoption Panel Head of Service Delivery
6.2 Post-order payments:  
  Up to £500 in any one financial year Team Manager (Adoption and Fostering)
  £500-£1000 in any one financial year Service Delivery Manager
  Over £1000 in any one financial year Head of Service Delivery
7. Hire of cars/train journeys for purposes of work outside of Leeds Team Managers

Last Updated: February 9, 2024
